Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Suck the air in.
Suck it up, slowly, slowly, slowly...
Fill your lungs to the brim till your chest can't take it anymore.
Hold it for a moment and don't you dare let that precious breath go to waste now you've worked so hard to catch it.
In that split second of relief with the twang of pain from your bursting lungs- look around.
Do it quickly, let your eyes dart, asses and re asses the room.
Yes, it's still all there and it's making you crazy but it's not moving, not going anywhere.
It will sit and stare back at you for as long as you let it, it's not the problem, you are.
It's all to much for you isn't it? It's making you burst just like that air in your chest.
Ah! Yes! The air in your chest- you forgot it was there didn't you?
You mistook your aching chest for your aching thoughts didn't you? You let the air stay just a bit too long and it's getting toxic now.
Didn't you know you shouldn't do that! Only hold it long enough to let your eyes dart, not linger!
That's always the problem, you want to own all your aches and let them take over you.
But don't let them! Let them out! Let them flow out of your body as you hiss the air out of your lungs. A fresh breath is just around the corner, you've just to let it all go!
So do it now! Don't wait!
Slowly, slowly, slowly...
Don't rush it now! Just let the air seep as if you've got a puncture, it takes time, it takes time.
And now look around. See, told you it's all still staring! You've done it! Nothings imploding or exploding, it's all just the same, it's all still the same.