Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'm sure at some point or another we have all thought questions such as:

Who am I really?

Where am I going?

What makes me, me?

Some people call it 'soul searching. Some people call it being unsure, lost even.

Some people think they are foolish for pondering, some people spend all their time doing it with no result.

But it is interesting all the same.

I have wondered often, about life and what it entails, what it means even. I used to, as a young child, sit and try to contemplate true nothingness which I still find a mind boggling exercise (try it sometime).

I have wondered on occasions whether I am made up of my experiences, or whether is fact they are made up of me. I have ached to know where my identity lies in this chaotic world.

After I became a mother, I became very consumed by my children and somedays I felt my identity had been lost all together, after all, I was pouring more and more of myself into them.

It never occurred to me (really) that complicated wonderings such as these could have such simple answers.

Who am I really? I am God's child, a woven and textured creation brought into being by the creator of all things.

Where am I going? To meet my maker and to be in his company for eternity, learning from him, praising him and basking in his radiance.

What makes me, me? My gifts, talents and passions that are God given, and my decisions on how I use them, whether that is for their true intention or not.

And no matter where life takes me or what changes from day to day, these fundamental questions will always have the same answers.

When I was younger, I felt like it should be more complex, more complicated than this. But it isn't! We spend so much time searching that sometimes we miss the point completely. Sometimes we are afraid of the simple answers, the simple outcomes, because it might mean less wondering and more doing.

While it is good to ask the questions, remember that they all have answers and some of them might demand a change in you!

So who are you? Who are you really?

Where are you going?

What makes you, you?

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