Sunday, March 14, 2010

Indiana Faith Girling. Minister of mischief.

Today's blog is dedicated to my daughter Indiana.

This blog entails a collection of injuries/ accidents that my beautiful girl has inflicted upon herself in her less than 2 short years. I will indulge with story telling of just a few :)

Indiana ate too much cucumber at a Church picnic. (approx half a large cucumber). We stopped in on the way home to get Edan some baby panadol. From the drivers seat, I heard a strange noise and then it happened, Cucumber showers. Worst clean up job of spew nature in our short family history.

We were at a fellowship morning tea at a dedication one fine day. All the kids were playing in the turfed area and playing in the san pit- was a lovely thing. Then we turn around to see that a little girl had offered Indiana a pretend cup of tea (which was actually a cup full of sand with a spoon in it) from information gathered from other small children we deduced that she had consumed no less than half the cup of sand. 5 days of illness due to catching giadia- a playground bug picked up because cats do thier bizzzz in sandpits across the globe.

Indiana was having party times jumping on our bed one day. She jumped to enthusiastically and fell through a large pane of glass in our window. Indiana was fine (thank God!!) the window however cost $300 to replace.

One day I had killed a wolf spider about the size of my palm outside our dining room door to the patio. I thought I would leave it until i could sweep it off later (when it had fully deceased) Of course I forgot all about it. A couple of days later Indiana was playing outside and crawled though the cat flap on the door. She was spitting out what I thought were little sticks and then what appeared to be a round disc. On closer inspection I found the the sticks were legs and the disc was the plate off the spiders belly. She had eaten all the good bits. I had a conversation with the toilet bowl shortly after.

Indiana had an obsession with my Nanna's african violets. Whatever potting mix Nanna was using, she found quite tasty. One day Nanna and I caught her with a fist full of dirt from one pot. Upon getting caught she quickly proceeded to shove the whole lot in her mouth and eat it. mmm mmm, african violet crumble!

That is all for now.


  1. so good! man I love yours and tim's blogs!!

  2. Oh that is hilarious. You seriously just made me laugh out loud at Central Station. People are looking at me funny!

    African violet crumble? Teehee.

  3. I love that Indiana could get sick from eating too much cucumber. That made me laugh
